Eternal Night
Welcome to Eternal Night! A Vampire, Werewolf, Elf, and Human RP, where mostly anything is possible! Glad to have you here, but you can't do much as a guest. So, why don't you register? Very Happy

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Eternal Night
Welcome to Eternal Night! A Vampire, Werewolf, Elf, and Human RP, where mostly anything is possible! Glad to have you here, but you can't do much as a guest. So, why don't you register? Very Happy

Current date/time is Tue Oct 15, 2024 7:30 pm

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    Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:45 pm
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    Human Template...
    Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:10 am
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    Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:29 pm
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    Come here to submit your character for approval. All Work-In-Progress applications should be posted with a [WIP] in the title.
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    Kain Kunosihir -...
    Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:11 pm
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  • Approved Characters

    Where the approved characters will go.
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  • Kalah Benteng

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  • Kalah Parit

    The outside of the Kalah Benteg - the Lost Castle. The Kalah Perit translates directly to "Lost Moat". It is the water that surrounds the castle, ensuring most outsiders cannot gain access. On either side of the moat are two patches of land. The moat is filled with all sorts of hideous and vicious creatures, modifed to attack intruders on command. Ten guards sit all around the inner circle of the moat in the tall sunlight-blocked stone towers, watching over there castle and making sure no one gets in or out without there awareness and permission. The moat is quite a dangerous area, and the untame creatures have even attacked a couple of the own castles inhabitants.
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    Thu Dec 19, 2013 7:04 am
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  • Raja Daerah

    This is the King's Chamber, where the King and Queen's Throne and Coffin are located. This is perhaps the most decorated area in the entire castle, seeng as it is littered with mounds of gold, diamonds, rubies, and shelves with countless books. At the center of the wall behind the two thrones' lies a giant fireplace. The fireplace is carved out of the pure whitened bones of humans, yet is supported by sturdy marble. The thrones are embedded with emerald jewels, onyx stones, even rare ameythst diamonds. The cofffins are articulately carved out of durable steel and have special latches on the inside, just in any intruder or rogue vampire tries to murder the Vampire Queen and King during there sleep.
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  • Dalamitu Benteng

    Dalamitu Benteng, literally "Inside the Castle", is, as the name suggests, inside of the Kalan Benteng. In here resides the first floor of the castle, where places such as the Dining Hall, and the Main Study are located. This area is decorated with the skulls of humans, as well as countless bookshelves, and on the wall are many touches used to light the castle. The Main Study contains steel chairs and stone tables lined up next to strong and sturdy oak shelves, loaded with an immense collection of books and history parchements. Certain documets are available to any vampire, while others are kept guarded by a Senior Vampire. The Dining Hall has around 40 to 3o stone tables with steel benches. One table sits in the front, carved out of ivory and gold. It is specifically for the Queen and King.
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  • Pertumpahan Darah

    Floor two of the castle of Kalah Benteng. This is where the prisoners are held, which include cells specifically made for each race. Iron for humans, steel for elves, and silver for werewolves and lycans. The prisoners area is incredibly dark and cold, and is heavily infested with rats and other terrible vermin. Many prisoners are known to get incredibly ill and sick, most speculate because of the terrible condition of hygene or the undeniable infestation of rats. It is also largely rumored that there are the "Secret Cells" for special inmates. These cells have been rumored to be devoted to torture and pain, making them handy to extract information from the other races. It is extremly rare that anyone ever gets out of these cells in normal and sane condition.
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  • Kalah Makam

    Literally translated to "Lost Tombs", this is the underground portion of the Castle where the other vampire's tombs and coffins are located. It is sealed with a giant door, that is only able to be opened from the inside. It is dim and unusually cold in here. There are small hanging lamps with candles in them surrounded with stained glass that provide just enough light to navigate yourself to your coffin. Each coffin is designed the same way. Either with simple stone or normal metal, there is no special latch on the inside. There are open corriders down each section leading down to a group of coffins. It is unknown how many sections and corridors exist amonsgt the Kalah Makam.
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  • Palsu Firdaus

    Palsu Firdaus means literally "False Paradise". This is on the third floor of the castle, and is entirely dedicated to pampering and spoiling humans, only to hnad them over to the King and Queen for them to feed on. This is probably one of the most morbid and saddening sections in the entire castle. Vampires will guide unaware humans into the castle, to pamper them, serve them, and spoil them however for a period of 5 days. After 5 days they will be led into the King and Queen's room, only to become dinner. Only two or three are led in each day for feeding.
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    Airan Man 3 Hain...
    Wed Feb 19, 2014 7:48 am
    berped View latest post
  • Pertemuan Koridor

    Pertemuan Koridor literally means "Gathering Corridor". It serves as a meeting room for the King, the Queen, severel advisors, and quite a few high ranking vampires. They often discuss plans, invasions, other races battle schedules, and events. The King and Queen sit side by side in carved gikd chairs at the stone table. The advisors sit in chairs created from pure silver. The last group, the high ranked vampires, sit in gilded bronze chairs side by side. At the base of the table sits the skull of a moose like creature next to two human skulls. Each one of the eye sockets on each skull have candles jammed into them. It is quite a macabre setting, though macabre is thorought the entire castle.
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  • Itu MengubahT

    The Itu Mengubah, literally translating to "The Alter" is a place where each Vampire goes if they wish to offer their prayers and receive blessings from the Dark One: Jahat Menjadi. Each Vampire will approach the alter in black robes, with a large hood - hold out their arm and bite into it, allowing blood to pour onto the Alter. After which, they shall incant a Blood Magic Incantation - and be done with their worship. They could do that, or do the usual sacrifice of a empty-of-blood human. Whichever an individual prefers.
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  • Mamamatay-tao Kampo

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  • Pumatay Tolda

    Pumatay Tolda, meaing Slayers Tents, is the official encampment of the Vampire Slayers. There is a large fire in the center, surrounded by numerous brown tents, which are large in size, and can hold up to 6 slayers in each tent. Outside of each tent is a wooden rack, containint swords, axes, bows, and arrows. A few feet behind the giant fire, is a large stand, where the leader of the Vampire Hunters goes to make announcments.
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  • Ang Tolda

    Ang Tolda, meaning "Inside the Tents", is exactly as it sounds. It is the inside of the tents of the Vampire Slayers - where the slayers go to eat and converse. Inside the tends include 6 beds, with 6 wooden trunks at the foot of each bed. To the right of each bed are a set of robes, as well as a set of armor, with a cross separating each set of clothes. There is usually a small pit in the center of each tent, allowing for light to be used in the night, though not for long, as the smoke can build up and kill the inhabitants in the tents.
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    How To Get Docum...
    Sat Feb 15, 2014 5:44 am
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  • Pari Tolda

    Pari Tolda, meaing "Tent of the Priest", is, as the name suggests, the tent that the Priest stays in. The priest is a very important person in the eyes of the Vampire Slayers, as they usually come to him to bless their cross before they go into battle with vampires, as well as bless their body. Inside the Priest's Tent is a large golden, jewel embedded cross, as well as a tiny fountain that the priest uses to fill tiny vials of water, later to bless into Holy Water.
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  • Draufgänger Königreich

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  • Draufgänger Höhle

    The main entrance of, and the outside grounds of, the Werewolf/Lycan's lair. This is an area abundant of animals that are used for hunting perposes when the Werewolves and Lycans are not out near the humans. It is guarded and patroled by heavily disiplened and hardendened team of fifteen Werewolves trained and ordered to make sure that the animalls in this area are not hunted to extinction.
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  • Eingangshalle Gemeindehalle

    This is the first room in the lair. It is a sociallizing place for Werewolves and Lycans alike. It is adorned with great Murels depicting even greater battles fought and won by the Werewolves and Lycans' ancesters. It has an abundance of comfortable chairs, and four fireplaces. The room itself is large enough to house three full-out spars without disturbing each fight with the others.
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  • Das Kaserne

    These are the Barraks for the Werewolves. The men have as many personal caves as they need on the right side, and the women have the same thing on the left. It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN for a woman Werewolf to be in a man's cave, and vice versa. This is reinforced by another team of Werewolf guards that patrol the Men and Womens' barrak halls every hour.
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  • Führer Unterkunft

    These are the Quarters of the Lycan leaders. These are slightly more furnished then the Barraks, but still are patroled so that the Lycans must obey the same rule as the Werewolves of no woman in a man's quarters and vice versa. In the very back of the hall is the Lycan Leader's Quarters. It is the largest of the rooms, and it actually has a second room for battle planning. This room is the only Quarters in the whole Den that a person of the oppisite sex then the Leader may come into, as long as it is durring the day and there are other people there.
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  • Sitzung Platz

    This is the meeting room of the Werewolves and Lycans. It actually is two rooms, but one is secret and only Lycans and high-ranking Werewolves are allowed in it. The public one is large enough to hold the entire clan comfortably, with a nature stage in the back where the leader may speak. On the back wall of the stage is the door to the secret room. You must do a secret knock on the back wall and the wall shoots straight up, morphing into the ceiling without a sound. Then you speak the number of people that are coming in, and it will count the number of beings coming in and then close silently behind the last one. This is possible due to magic, which the Lycan and Werewolves' ancestors knew, but the current Lycans and Werewolves have lost the knowledge of how to do so.
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  • Dressur Anlage

    These are the training grounds of the Werewolves and the Lycans. They are deep underground in a natural cave that is as large as the rest of the Den combined. It is split into three areas, Melee, Speed, and Ranged. These training grounds are used to Train the Lycans and the Werewolves to fight in their human forms, that way they are not weak as humans.
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  • Varázsló Torony

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  • Boszorkány Hall

    Boszorkány Hall is the traditional dining and ritual hall for the Witchs only. It is adorned with chandeliers and row after row of multicolored wax candles. The huge room is filled with silvery steel tables, carved with the traditional designs of Witchs, like roses, spades, and hearts. At the front of the room is a huge stone podium, surrounded with the usual rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. This podium is used by the leader only, usually to announce new, plans, or the occasional event.
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  • Házuknál Hall

    Házuknál Hall is the dining and meeting room for the Wizards. Instead of chandeliers, it is surrounded on every wall with bright flaming torches, always kept lit. Multicolored candles sit row after row everywhere. Huge silvery steel tables sit in the center of the giant room, carved with the traditional stars, clubs and diamonds. The leader of the Wizards, who only speaks in this hall only, as the other dining hall belongs to the Witch Leader, speaks here. Most of the time for annoucments, plans, and the rare event.
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  • Látnok Pergamenek

    Látnok Pergamenek is the Tower's library. It houses an immense collection of spells, charms, seals,crests, treaties with other races, and anything and everything needed by the Wizards and Witches of the Tower. It contains an overabundance of writing utensils, parchment, and seals for writing letters,important messages, or the young Magicians spell records. It is routinely kept neat by a Elder Witch. Candles sit all around the room to give light, yet still kept away from any flammable documents.
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    ?????C?t ?{??T?q...
    Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:46 am
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  • Föld alatti Labirintus

    Föld alatti Labirintus is the underground labyrinth. There are no candles, windows, or light sources in this labyrinth. The only way it can be navigated is if the Wizard Leader, the Witch Leader, or the Elder Magician leads the way. It's happened often that misguided Wizards or Witches tried to navigate these halls and have never returned. Insaide the labyrinth is hideous monster, in charge of guarding the treasure beyond the labyrinths end. It is rumored to be a huge basalisk, or a tri-horned minotaur, but nobody knows for sure except the Wizard Leader, the Witch Leader, and the Elder Magician.
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  • Vezetők Szálláskörlet

    Vezetők Szálláskörlet is the Witch Leaders and the Wizard Leaders rooming quarters. The cold stone stairs each lead up to different huge rooms. Each room has a bed and the luxuries and neccesities for the Leaders. The Wizard Leaders room is adorned with diamonds, clubs, and stars. The Witch Leaders room is adorned with hearts, spades, and roses. The doors to each room are locked with a special key held only by the owners of that room. They are both at the very top of the tower.
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  • Varázslók Szálláskörlet

    Varázslók Szálláskörlet is the Magicians Quarters for both Wizards and Witches. Witches Quarters are on the right side of each 20 halls, Wizard Quarters on the left of each 20 halls. 3 Witchs will room with each other in one spacious room, and the same routine for the Wizards. At the end of each hall is a huge comfort room, dedicated to the Wizards and witches to talk and fraternize in there off-time. These quarters are placed in the midsection of the Tower. The Witchs rooms are decorated with traditional hearts, spades, and roses. The Wizards room are decorated with traditional clubs, stars, and diamonds.
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  • Orvosi Gyámolt

    Orvosi Gyámolt is the Medical Ward in the Tower. Many Elder Witchs and Wizards work in this area, aiding and healing any injured Wizards and Witches. This area is popular with the young volunteering Witches, especially when it is post-battle time. With all the injuries and damages from battle, it can get extremely crowded, so the Elders often call in advanced volunteering Witchs and Wizards to aid with the healing and helping. There are seven medical corridors, each abundant with supplies and comfy beds for the patients.
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  • Fogoly Sejtek

    Fogoly Sejtek is the Prisoners Cells. Theives, Spies, Intruders, or even Wizards and Witchs deemed as a serious damaging threat to the Tower and it's inhabitants are placed here. Most of the calmer prisoners are treated with mercy and kindness, despite there treatment of the Magicians race. They are led here through the labyrinth with magically enhanced chains and shackles. Even if they did manage to escape the shackels, there is no way to navigate the labyrinth. They even have a thick burlap sack placed around their head to block there sight. It is dark in the labyrinth, though normally bright in the cells.
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    Driver Sound For...
    Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:37 am
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  • Vizsgálat És A kutatás Hall

    Vizsgálat És A kutatás Hall is the Study and Research Hall. It's where inexperienced Wizards and Witchs gather to travel and train under the supervision of older and advanced Witchs and Wizards. Classes and studing groups are frequently teached here by the Elders and even the advanced Witch and Wizards. Sometimes, even the Leader Wizard and Leader Witch will teach classes. Advanced, Elders, and other Witchs and Wizards casually use the Research Halls and Rooms to test out spells, charms, potions, and experimental things of that nature. The younger researchers are under supervision, while the older ones are trusted to be responsible.
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  • Dhraíocht Foraoise

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  • Pálás na Banríona Elven

    Althought not intricate and large like most palaces, the Pálás na Banríona Elven is hidden within a magical barrier. It's only seen by Elves, any other must have an escort to get within. If there is any bad intentions in the mind of those who attempt to enter, they will be blocked out and attacked. The only time there has ever been an intruder inside the Pálás na Banríona Elven was when the intruder wiped their minds of any bad thought until they got inside and that was nearly two thousand years before.
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  • Sráidbhaile na Elves Dark

    The Village of Dark Elves. The houses, shops, and everything else is carved out of giant enchanted trees.
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  • Sráidbhaile na Elves Light

    The Village of Light Elves. The houses, shops, and everything else is carved out of giant enchanted trees.
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  • Seomra Bia de Elves Light

    The Dining Hall of the Light Elves, where celebrations and feasts are held. Often times, some elves will be married in here or have a funeral here.
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  • Seomra Bia de Elves Dark

    The Dining Hall of the Dark Elves. This is used for celebrations and feasts, generally just eating. Often times there will be elves who will have weddings or funerals here instead of their church.
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  • Eaglais na Elves

    The Church that most Elves attend to ask forgiveness from whatever God they believe in. Some will be married or have funerals here, but more often then not they will hold them in the Dining Hall.
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